Weird Al Yankovic, ‘Mission Statement’.

Today’s bookmark isn’t the usual pattern of I-heard-this-and-thought-of-bookmarking-it, but rather I had an amusing adventure in the category of names-and-words-that-convey-no-substantive-meaning-whatever-but-sound-impressive, and I immediately thought of the Weird Al tune “Mission Statement“:

The first time I heard this piece (off the Mandatory Fun album), I missed half of it from laughing so hard. I don’t think there is anything in that lyric that I haven’t heard for real, in person, either from a company I worked for or a company whose people I was teaching. Al just nails it here, and the icing on the top is his choosing to do it as a pastiche tune in the style of Crosby Stills Nash & Young. The polished, perfect harmonies convey the nonsense in a way that no other style I can think of, would achieve.

The man is, I would argue, not just a master of his art, but the undisputed master of it.

Published by

Kevin Wilmeth

Professional geek. Amateur human. Credible threat to musical instruments anywhere.

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